
Photo by Alexandra DeFurio

Hello! My name is Francesca dePasquale and I am a classical violinist. I am currently twenty-three years old and a recent graduate of The Colburn School Conservatory of Music in Los Angeles, California. I grew up in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and I am currently pursuing a Master of Music degree at The Juilliard School in New York City.

I absolutely love and believe in the power of music. Its ability to capture and communicate that which is inherently human is personal, beautiful, and transcendent. 

I began my musical studies at age three when, after a few attempts to stealthily open the instrument cases of my family members during their quartet rehearsal coffee breaks, I decided that I would like a violin of my very own. 

My father and me, age three

My parents never locked me in a room and forced me to practice when I was younger. Being musicians themselves, they knew that the dedication and passion required for the pursuit of classical music only comes with personal realization, discovery, and love. They also wanted to give me the opportunity to develop in other areas, including dance, drawing, languages, and sports. I am incredibly grateful for their foresight and wisdom.

As a musician, I am committed to balancing the realization of compositions with my own personality and interpretations. By documenting my growth as a musician as well as my other interests, this blog will reflect who I am as a person, violinist, and musician. For more information on my career as a classical violinist, please visit my website by clicking here. Thank you for visiting!